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- Application Begin : 03/09/2022
- Last Date for Apply Online : 23/09/2022
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- Uttar Pradesh : Agra, Gorakhpur, Kanpur, Lucknow & Varanasi.
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DRDO Tier II Electrical 2019 Memory Based Questions
1)The size of address bus in microprocessor 8085 is
Answer-16 bit
2)The size of data bus in microprocessor 8085 is
Answer-8 bit
3)The resistance of major power station is
Answer-1 ohm
4)Consumer uses pf in the range of
Answer-0.85 to 0.95 lag
5)When magnetic alignment is unequal and anti parallel then magnetic material should be
Answer-Anti-ferromagnetic material
6)When permeability is less than vacuum then magnetic material should be-
Answer-Daimagnetic material
7)Fluorescent tube gives red colour when it is coated with
Answer-Magnesium silicate
8)The distribution of conductor is non uniform is due to
Answer-Skin effect
9)Shaded pole motor running
Answer-Main pole to shaded pole
10)Induction motor is a
Answer-Asynchronous motor
11)Synchronous motor is also called as
Answer-Doubly excited motor
12)Which braking gives power supply to the source
Answer-Regenerative braking
13)In Routh Horowitz criteria if poles lies on left hand side the it is
14)In root locus all zero lies in
Answer-Right side of the plane
15)Which is correct in law of reflection
Ans-Reflection angle is equal to refraction angle
16)The impurity contains in magnetic material is
17)Identify switch diagram
18)Pulverizing is done to
Answer-Convert coal into fine burning particle
19)BJT, MOSFET and IGBT belongs to
Answer-All are transistor
20)Thyristor turn on time is
Answer-Less than tq
21)In a magnetic material force is inversely proportional to
22)Volume of conductor is inversely proportional to
Answer-PF and voltage both
23)Arrange the magnetic material in order to their increases permeability
Answer-Nickle iron<silicon iron<aluminium<bismuth
24)BJT has junction
25)A)switching produce noise
B)Noise is produce is due to switching surges
Answer-Both are correct an A is correct explanation of B
26)Full wave rectifier wave average value is
Answer-0637 Vm
27)A dc is supply to inductance them
a)Inductive reactant should be zero
b)Current should be infinity
Answer-Both are right
28)Control system is basically a
Answer-Closed loop system
29)A system is said to be marginally stable
Answer-If pole in a imaginary axis
30)the sum of pole and zero in root locus system should be
Answer-Either odd or even
31)Control system is
Answer-Laplace transform of output to input
32)In given circuit diagram the flow indicate
Answer-Direction of current
33)In given circuit diagram is connected to dc supply then flow of current is
34)The impurity contain in magnetic material is
35)In a demultiplexer
Answer-One input and many ouput
36)Which lighting is not used in domestic purpose
Answer-Flood lighting
37)Most simplest wiring system used domestic and commercial wiring system should be
Answer-Casing and capping
38)The no of point connected in one sub-circuit is-
39)Potentiometer is also known as
Answer-Null dictator
40)Potentiometer numerical 1 question
41)Resistance upto infinity should be connected (circuit diagram question).
42)At staring the torque produced by single phase induction motor is
43)Fraction horse power motor rating upto
Answer-746 watt or 1 HP
44)Conductance is analogous to
45)Which produce more energy
Answer-fusion of 1 gm hydrogen
46)Interseath is used in cable is
Answer-t is the composition of the same material of different concentration.
47)lumens per square meter is also called as
48)Which is valid type of tariff
Answer-Block rate,two part,flat rate (all are theses)
49)Area under the load curve gives
Answer-Energy consumed by the consumer
50)A half wave rectifier with center capped peak inverse voltage if peak voltage is Vm
Answer-2 vm