SAIL Rourkela Operator-Cum-Technician Trainee 2019 Electrical,Electronics, Rourkela Question Paper
Written test for the posts of OCT (Trainee) Electrical,Electronics, held on 17/03/2019 against advertisement no. 01/2018 and 02/2018 of Rourkela Steel Plant.
Here we are providing official questions papers with answer keys for OCTT Rourkela,It will be provide help for upcoming SAIL Bhilai plant exam,Which will be hold on 24th March 2019.
Rourkela OCTT exam paper was easy mostly technical questions have asked directly from book and Non technical section was also easy,Question on Aptitude,Reasoning,General Awareness and General Science have asked.
Candidate who are going to appear upcoming SAIL OCTT exam should download these questions papers and read the this type questions from book.
click here download sail eletrical PAPER LAST YEAR