Analog Electronics(800-MCQ)

अगर आपको word पढ़ने मे problem आ रही है तो desktop mode कर के पढ़े

Q-Which of these is a not drawback of Zener diode shunt regulator?
a) The output voltage is fixed
b) The output voltage can vary with temperature
c) Variation in load current needs to be minimal
d) It is difficult to design


Answer: d
Explanation: The Zener diode shunt regulator is a simple voltage regulator circuit that provides a fixed output voltage. However, due to the presence of the Zener diode, the output is temperature dependent because the breakdown voltage of Zener diode depends on temperature. When load current varies a lot, then Zener current also varies which causes a change in output voltage.



Q-What is load regulation?
a) The process of keeping the load voltage constant irrespective of any change in AC supply
b) The process of keeping the load voltage constant irrespective of variations in load current
c) The process of keeping load voltage constant irrespective of variations in source current
d) The process of keeping load current constant irrespective of variations in AC supply


Answer: b
Explanation: Load regulation is the process of keeping VO constant irrespective of variations in load current. The line voltage is taken to be constant during load regulation.



Q-What is line regulation?
a) The process of keeping Zener diode voltage constant inspite of changes in AC supply
b) The process of keeping load voltage constant irrespective of the fluctuation in AC supply or the line voltage
c) The process of keeping load voltage constant irrespective of fluctuation in load current
d) The process of keeping Zener current constant irrespective of fluctuation in AC supply


Answer: b
Explanation: Line regulation is the process of keeping the load voltage constant, irrespective of fluctuation in AC supply or the line voltage. In line regulation, the load current is considered constant.


Q-What is IC 723?
a) A voltage regulator
b) A full-wave rectifier
c) A half-wave rectifier
d) A clipper


Answer: a
Explanation: The IC 723 is a voltage regulator, which can act as both a low voltage regulator as well as a high voltage regulator. Output can be set between 7-37 volts. 7 volts is the reference starting voltage.


Q- For a Zener diode shunt regulator, the source current is IS, the Zener diode current is IZ and the load current is IL. The source voltage is VS, Zener voltage is VZ and load voltage is VL. The load resistance is RL. What is the correct option for the safe operation of the diode?
a) IS = IZ + IL
b) IS =< IZmax + IL
c) IS =< IZmin + IL
d) VL = VZ


Answer: b
Explanation: For proper operation, the current through RS should be at least equal to the sum of IZmin a specified load current. IS >= IZmin + IL
For safe operation of the diode, IS =< IZmax + IL.

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