8085 and 8086 microprocessor

Basis for Comparison80858086
Microprocessor type8-bit16-bit
Size of data bus8-bit16-bit
Size of address bus16-bit20-bit
Supportable memory capacity64 KB1 MB
Operating frequency3 MHz5 MHz
Number of flags present59
Number of transistorsLess (around 6500)More (around 29000)
Operating modeOnly oneTwo (minimum and maximum mode)
CostLowComparitively high
Memory segmentationUnsupportableSupportable
Instruction queueAbsentPresent
Addressing mode59


Basis for ComparisonMicroprocessorMicrocontroller
Functional UnitsALU, registers, CU.ALU, register, CU, IO ports, RAM, ROM, ADC, DAC, timer and counters.
Data transfer instructionsIt has large number of data transfer instructions.Comparitively less number of such instructions.
CostHighComparatively low.
Size of PCBLargeSmall in comparison to microprocessor.
WeightBulkyLess bulky
Processing speed1 GHz8 to 50 MHz.
UsesFinds its use in general purpose computing systems.Used in systems that are manufactured for specific application.
EfficiencyLess efficientMore efficient
Power consumptionHighLow in comparison to microcontroller
ReliabilityLess reliableMore reliable
Example8085, 8086 etc8051, 8951 etc.

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